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Dyscalculia is defined as consistent failure to achieve in mathematics in step with age/grade benchmarks, intelligence, adequate instruction, and effort. ( It is sometimes called "number dyslexia" or "math dyslexia".


Does this definition speak to any concerns you (your student) or an educator have identified? The symptoms and severity of dyscalculia will vary with each student. See some of the resources below.


Before labeling the student with this condition, invest the time to determine if the student is just lacking comprehension, understanding, and the application of some important basic math concepts. After doing that intervention, if you still have any concerns, continue to do your research and work with education professionals and your other team members to help the student get assessed.


From a Mathminded Programs perspective, our understanding, and experiences, we would like to offer these recommendations below which are also discussed in "The Math Playbook" to assist you to do your own research in partnership with the student's teacher and other team members. 


+ Make sure to identify the student's primary learning style. Are instructions and lessons being delivered to them in that manner? If not, work with the student's teacher and other team members to make adjustments.


+ If your student is in 3rd grade or above, make sure concepts like comparisons (written and physical) and whole number place value have been studied and understood and that the student knows how to apply the concepts in real-life applications as well as academic exercises.


+ Has the student been offered assessments to determine if an Independent Education Plan (IEP) is needed to facilitate and monitor any helpful accommodations?


+ Go through the basic accommodations recommendations in "The Math Playbook". If the student is not already using these strategies, start with using manipulatives (including fingers) for pattern recognition and more and incorporate the math concept into a real-life situation or sports activity analogy.


For more information on and explanation of the definition, symptoms, and helpful strategies check out these resources. - - Understood - Child Mind Institute - National Center for Learning Disabilities

There are also numerous videos on YouTube on dyscalculia.














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